16 October, 2008

Onion Eater- Critical Appreciation

The Onion-Eater

By Hillaire Belloc

Critical Appreciation

The Onion-Eater by Hillaire Belloc is an essay about the occurrence of happiness. In this essay, the narrator concludes that happiness is not dependent on wealth or material possessions.

The title of this essay is named The Onion-Eater for many reasons. Firstly, it gives tribute to the poor individual whose wise words helped the narrator see a new light. Secondly, it shows the author’s appreciation for the onion-eater since the author himself is very fond of onions. It also shows the man’s poverty and lack of importance since a person who eats raw onions as part of his daily diet is usually a poor individual who can’t afford a more luxurious diet.

The author starts off the essay by describing the scenery and the location he is traveling towards. He relates, in exquisite detail, how the summit he is going to is extraordinary, the like of which is not in all of England. This scene has a profound effect on the author/narrator due to which he is satiated with bliss. The author’s happiness can be understood when he relates the story of the Sultan who would count his days of happiness.

The author also emphasizes his loneliness at this time. He tells of how his only companion is his horse to whom conversions proved to be futile. , how far he is from civilization and his present location has been abandoned by mankind. So when the author notices another man not too far from himself, he is astounded.

Using chosen words, he describes the man as a wanderer through his appearance. When the narrator greets him, he finds he is actually a cultured man, not just a nomad. The man says he has no destination but is in pursuit of new places to enjoy. Their subsequent conversation is of great importance and forms the climax of the essay.

The narrator first tells of his account of happiness of which he says this is one of the happiest days of his life. He explains that this is because of his material possessions. His happiness is a direct result of his wealth.

The man agrees with the narrator that happy days are quite full of life and very special, but says that happiness is not caused by wealth. He argues that a poor person can also be happy and so can a rich person. Wealth does its bit in changing moods but possessing wealth or the lack of it does not cause joy or despair. He tells of his own example, how he is too poor to afford anything and lives on nothing apart from free raw onions, but nevertheless he is belated. Happiness and happy days come to all no matter what their financial status is.

The last part of the essay highlights the man’s destitution and the author’s admiration for the penniless stranger. When the onion-eater asks for some money to lie in a proper bed for the night, the narrator generously gives him all the money that he has with him. This willingness can only come from a person who has been completely impressed.


Unknown said...

Is this the same story I once read. The lonely man, the onion eater, played the flute. Attracting a little girl with his music. She follows the music to find that the flautist was a fat, bald, onion eater.

Help me here. Please.

Unknown said...

Really it's a great story and tells us that happiness and satisfaction does lie only in wealth and richness.. Real happiness lies in nature, natural things, spiritualism and following the true path of Allah almighty and especially in helping the needy humanity selflessly .

Unknown said...

Really it's a great story and tells us that happiness and satisfaction does notlie only in wealth and richness.. Real happiness lies in nature, natural things, spiritualism and following the true path of Allah almighty and especially in helping the needy humanity selflessly .

Zuhaib said...

Sir can we have shorts question of English advance plzzzzzzz???

Muhammad Ahzem Siddiqui said...

Assalamualaikum please give me all first year notes of abraham Lincoln and essays of today

Unknown said...

Sir can you give us first year notes of English advance ?

Ali said...

If you find any send it to me also please
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